Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Titanic Wreck will disappear in 20 years: Being eaten by a superbug


Newly found bacteria was found feasting on the titanic, which is why it will not be there in fifteen to twenty years. I think that it's kind of sad that a boat that has been around since 1912 won't be there. Considering the fact that almost everyone knows the story of the titanic and scientists are just letting it be eaten. I wonder if the scientists that discovered it, do they care at all that it will be gone? If the do, is there some way to stop it that they are willing to try?  Are scientists just going to sit around while bacteria eats the titanic? I think that scientists should try to get rid of this bacteria. They could also learn something new about this iron-eating bacteria.

                              Don't forget, when you click on the link to launch the slideshow. They  have different pictures.              

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