Friday, November 19, 2010

Science Extra Credit: How the Sea Of Monsters relates to Ecology

 In the Sea of Monsters the book I have read, I learned that nature plays an important role on earth.  The Sea of Monsters is about a young satyr who goes on an adventure to find Pan, the god of nature. In a later book Pan fades because his realm on earth is gone, and all hope is lost. When we cut down forests, and pollute the air, it affects nature, which will eventually affect us. When we start cause global warming, the polar bears die first, then we die after them.
Not only does nature give us the oxygen that we need to survive, but also it gives the animals a habitat. For example, New Jersey has an overpopulation of dear, so if the state of New Jersey cut down all the forests, we would have dear running all over the place and in the streets etc. this would increase the number of car crashes each year, which would increase our death rate.

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